Agent Leads Finder

Step 1 of 2: Watch the Training Below

How to Add An Additional 1-2 Closings /Month Using

LADS-Visual Sales Letter

Success Stories

Vaibhav Rao - 8 Signed Clients in 30 Days

Vaibhav, a new realtor and a recent Immigrant, not sure how to tread his realtor journey, .

State 1:
Being a new realtor and an immigrant, Vaibhav faced a significant challenge in his quest for success in the real estate industry. He had a limited network in the city, which resulted in fewer referrals. Despite his efforts, which included open houses, door knocking and cold calling, he experienced limited success in building his client base and a pipeline.

State 2:

Vaibhav was thoroughly impressed with Agent Leads Finder's system, LADS, as it delivered more than 75 leads within the very first month, and out of those, he successfully converted 8 into signed clients. This system completely addressed his most significant challenge, providing a consistent flow of leads and filling his pipeline with a multitude of prospective clients.

Time Frame:

30 Days

Vaibhav no longer had to worry about where his next client would come from, allowing him to allocate his time more efficiently and focus on servicing his clients.

The return on investment was undeniable, making LADS a cost-effective solution for his real estate business. It gave him peace of mind, stability, and, most importantly, it significantly accelerated his journey to success as a realtor.


"I highly recommend going with Agent Leads Finder (LADS) because these guys have been absolutely amazing, so please check them out give them a try and I promise you, you'll love it!"

Market: Calgary (Alberta)
8 Signed Clients in 30 Days.
Vaibhav Rao

Chaithanya Gunda - Generated 60+ leads in first month with 5 Signed Clients.

Chaithanya, convinced that he would always have leads in his pipeline, took the leap and became a full-time realtor.

State 1:
As a new realtor, despite employing traditional methods such as cold calling, door knocking, and seeking assistance from friends and family, Chaithanya faced the challenge of cracking the tough nut of real estate success and continued to balance his traditional job, unsure of the solution..

State 2:

LADS generated 60+ leads in the first month itself and 5 Signed Clients. With regular signing of contracts and listings and a reliable stream of new leads, the business has gained predictability, prompting Chaithanya to resign from his job and pursue a full-time career as a realtor.

‍Chaithanya, a part-time realtor, encountered difficulties in generating leads despite utilizing various strategies such as reaching out to families, friends, leveraging references, engaging in cold calling, and door knocking. Although he managed to secure a few leads, the volume was insufficient to sustain his business. Realizing the potential of social media advertising, Chaithanya expressed interest in exploring this avenue. However, his limited expertise and knowledge posed a barrier to effectively utilizing this platform for business growth.

Fortunately, Chaithanya came across our advertisement and decided to try our services. After experiencing our solutions, he became thoroughly convinced and satisfied. The positive outcomes he achieved were so significant that he made the life-altering decision to resign from his job and transition into becoming a full-time realtor. With a newfound sense of assurance, Chaithanya is confident that his pipeline will consistently be replenished with new leads, enabling his business to operate more predictably. This transformative shift has marked a major milestone in his life, empowering him to pursue his real estate career with unwavering dedication and optimism.

Market: Mississauga (GTA)
Generated 60+ leads in first month with 5 Signed Clients.
Chaithanya Gunda

Puneet Bhardwaj - 19 Appointments Booked within days of Joining the Program

Within a mere 30 days of joining the program, Puneet experienced remarkable success, with buyers under contract and multiple appointments scheduled, while also nurturing numerous buyer and seller opportunities in his pipeline.

State 1:
Despite investing substantial amounts of money into social media marketing efforts, Puneet did not achieve any tangible results or see a return on his investment.

State 2:
In an impressive span of just 30 days, Puneet generated over 70 leads, resulting in the scheduling of 19 immediate appointments. Moreover, he successfully secured several promising buyers under contract during this period, showcasing AgentLeadsFinder's - LADS remarkable effectiveness and efficiency in the real estate industry.

Time Frame:
Buyers signed contracts within 30 days, consistent leads pipeline building & nurturing with much bigger results To follow

Puneet, like many other agents, initially harbored doubts and uncertainties before joining our program. Approaching the opportunity with skepticism, he was unsure if it would deliver the desired results. Considering the prevalence of exorbitant fees charged by some individuals in the real estate industry for marketing systems that can be easily implemented by a single agent in just minutes, Puneet's reservations were understandable.

However, it was through our trusted system we assisted Puneet in establishing that he achieved remarkable success and surpassed his initial expectations.

Market: Scarborough (GTA)
70 Leads within 30 days
Puneet Bhardwaj

Harish Joshi - 7 Appointments Booked, 30+ leads generated & 1 signed buyer within 10 days from start of the program.


Harish, working as a part-time realtor, often found himself grappling with the challenge of lead generation. With only a handful of referrals from friends and family, he was eager to find a solution that could breathe new life into his real estate career. His search led him to LADS by Agent Leads Finder, a service that exceeded his expectations. In just the first 10 days, LADS provided him with an impressive 30+ high-quality leads and facilitated the booking of 7 appointments. The Agent Leads Finder system - LADS- user-friendly interface, streamlined lead management and appointment booking system, allowed him to strike a perfect balance between his current job and his career as a realtor. LADS have become an indispensable tool, consistently delivering active and top-notch leads, elevating Harish's real estate business to new heights.

State 1:

Harish, a part-time realtor, faced a challenge due to a shortage of leads and referrals. Balancing his real estate career with another job was tough due to paucity of time. He sought a solution to acquire quality leads and appointments to boost his realtor career.

State 2:

Within a mere 10 days, Harish acquired more than 30 leads, leading to 7 appointments being scheduled. Impressively, he also managed to secure a contract with a buyer during this brief period, highlighting his as well as LADS, exceptional prowess and efficiency in the real estate field.

Time Frame:

As Harish began his part-time career as a realtor, he held big dreams of success. However, the reality was different. He faced challenges due to time constraints and had few referrals to rely on. During his pursuit of solution, he chanced upon Agent Leads Finder. In just 10 days, this tool transformed his journey, bringing in high-quality leads and appointments being booked for him.

Today, Agent Leads Finder is Harish's most essential tool. It's not just a tool; it's the key to his success. It has reshaped how he sees his career, proving that even part-time realtors can achieve remarkable success when equipped with the right resources.

Market: Ajax (GTA)
7 Appointments, 30+ leads and 1 signed customer
Harish Joshi

Amanjot Gill - 5 Buyers under contract within the first Month

Story: Amanjot had a strong interest in advertising on social media and was actively seeking the right partner to support him in this endeavor. Initially, he had reservations when we discussed our comprehensive system, as he was already utilizing another CRM. However, once Amanjot gave our solution a try, he was instantly captivated by its capabilities and witnessed astounding results in his real estate business.

State 1:
Amanjot was in search of the perfect team to address his social media advertisement challenges and provide effective solutions.

State 2:
In just 30 days, Amanjot generated around 60+ leads, resulting in the scheduling of 18 appointments. Moreover, he successfully secured 5 buyers under contract during this period, showcasing his remarkable effectiveness and efficiency in the real estate industry.


"I am so glad that I agreed and went ahead with the LADS system. It is one of the best things that has happened for me (professionally). I am so relieved that my business is so much more predictive now."

Market: Brampton, On
5 Buyers under contract within the first Month
Amanjot Gill

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EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above are what you can potentially make based on mine and my clients sales figures. Please understand these results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who follows any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, this is not for you.

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